Become a supplier of Fraunhofer (1 BN US $ Spent)
Online Event
Event Language
English & German
GACC South Member: Free
Non - Member: Free
Event Start
12/06/2023 · 11:00 AM
Event End
12/06/2023 · 12:00 PM
in partnership with

Join us for an interactive webinar on how your business could benefit from becoming a partner and supplier of Fraunhofer Gesellschaft. After a brief company introduction of Fraunhofer, the world’s leading applied research organization, participants will hear about their Public Tender Platform and what chances this could give your business. Aditionally learn more about the "German Supply Chain Act", mandatory for every supplier delivering goods or services to Germany. 10-15 minutes will be reserved for Q&A's at the conclusion of the presentation. If you are a US supplier, no matter the industry sector you operate in, this webinar is for you! Register now to see what chances this could offer your business.


Andreas Kannt

Dr. Andreas Kannt, Head of Strategy Supply Chain. Responsible for 1 billion EUR PVO @Fraunhofer. 25 years of experience in international strategic procurement, major skills in process modelling and re-engineering, budget and personnel leading experience. Career steps in Canada, USA and South Africa.